Wednesday, January 04, 2006

And so we begin...

Beginnings are, well, new and different. Sometimes exciting, sometimes scary, sometimes you blink and you're past it, but nothing begins without a Beginning.

This blog exists because I needed a blogger id to comment on someone else's blog... but now that I have it, I'm inspired by Leah to take my sewing journal online. Because I don't spend enough time at the computer as it is! But I already take pictures of my creations, if only to share them with my friends at NMSL. And I too would like to be able to look back at the year and say, "Wow, I did accomplish a lot!" or "Well, it was a tough year, but I'd like to do better next year." Or both! and be able to mean it.

So Welcome Aboard! This blog is mainly for me, but you're welcome to poke around and get inspired, or comment and inspire me, offer words of encouragement, etc. No flaming and no profanity allowed! (And no anyone-bashing. On my turf, you behave yourself.)

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